You're here because you've heard about Toastmasters.

You might not know exactly what it is, or what you want to get out of it, but that doesn't matter.

Maybe you want to overcome your shyness, or you need to deliver work presentations and feel like you fumble your way through them,  Whatever you're looking for, we all started out just like you, not really knowing where to begin.

Toastmasters works in clubs which meet weekly, fortnightly or monthly usually.  In clubs meetings we practice speaking off-the-cuff and doing longer presentations geared at gaining specific public speaking skills and general meeting, or leadership, skills.

You can find a club near work, or home, that works for you.  You can visit as many clubs, as many times as you like before you join.

When you visit a club, you can either relax and watch, or get involved.  It's risk-free, because a club is a safe practice space.  The members you'll meet have a range of skills of motivations.  Just like you, we were faced with taking that first step into a club.  Walking into a club can be scary, but don't worry, we'll welcome you warmly.
